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I deliver the ultimate online mediation training on advanced level mediation questions 

I have over 35 years of experience in training and conflict resolution work. Prior to concentrating on advanced Mediation Training for asking powerful questions,  I delivered Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII) accredited mediation training for many years and reached advanced level membership with that Institute ( hold a Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education and have provided training and mediation services for industry, public and semi-state bodies, inter-agency groups, organisational and workplace settings and in the local development and community sector. Internationally, I have delivered In-Person training in Palestine, Cuba, Germany and the U.K., as well as online training to other international areas.


35 years of experience

I have authored ‘The Mediator’s Toolkit: Formulating and Asking Questions for Successful Outcomes’ published by New Society Publishing, Canada, 2018 and developed In-Person and Online mediation training materials to accompany this book, including nine filmed roleplay demonstrations of the questions that can change the perspectives of parties in mediation. This training can be delivered Online Live, as a Self-Study Package or In-Person or as a Blended Option

Accreditation & Experience – Mediation

  • Organisational & Workplace Mediation
  • Community Mediation
  • Separating Couples Mediation
  • Civil & Commercial Mediation
  • Participated in training in international peace mediation in ‘Systemic Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation and Post-War Recovery’ with PATRIR, in Romania and in ‘Reconciliation’ and Mediation in Post-Conflict Countries’ with C.S.S.P., Berlin.

Accreditation & Experience – Training

Hold a first-class honours Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education from the National University of Ireland (NUI), Maynooth and worked as an assessor of trainers and in the identification of training needs for that university.

Additional experience:
  • Trained in the evaluation of training interventions.
  • Designed and delivered ‘Training for Trainers’ programmes
  • Provided ‘Support and Supervision’ services for trainers, as well as mediators.
  • Developed online training videos
  • Adapted a training programme for radio presentation

Facilitation and Organisational Consultancy

Prior to specializing in mediation training and mediation, I provided consultancy and facilitation services in the community and local development sector.

This included:

Facilitating organisations from project initiation through to project implementation and evaluation

  • Writing project evaluation reports for EU or Government funders
  • Providing management and staff training in communication, team building, policy development, conflict, strategic planning, project evaluation.
  • Conducting over 30 research and qualitative evaluation contracts.
International mediation institute

Interview with Gerry by Mediators Beyond Borders (MBB)

Article ‘Giving People a Voice – MBB Member Spotlight’ interview of Gerry O’Sullivan by Matteo Piovacari MBB